AffSync Tools - Docs and Guidelines

Guide to get started with AffSync Tools.

We currently have affiliate programs from more than 40+ networks. Some with complete data and some with limited data. We aim to include more and create only a go-to source for affiliate marketing. We will also include self-hosted programs, which are required to be reviewed and collected individually. In the meanwhile, if you want us to include a particular network or data, feel free to submit yourrequest here.

The documentation below explains how to use each tool and what each filter allows you to do.

1. Affiliate Program Finder

Our affiliate research tool includes a variety of data for individual programs. Note that not all affiliate programs include all the data. We have included data that was available either through networks or through third-party data providers.

Here are the different parameters available.

Keyword and Niche Topic: Enter any keyword OR search from the huge list of niche topics from dropdown menu, and you'll find all the programs related to that particular search.

Conversion Rate: Enter the minimum and maximum conversion rates, and you can further filter your results or search the entire database based on that. You will only see results for realistic searches. For example, a conversion rate of 1 to 2.5% is standard. You'll see few results if you enter a conversion rate of 10% or higher. Even if you see those results, those conversion rates are generally only possible for a few products/services.

Average Order Size: What's the typical order size customers make? This data is based on orders we tracked.

Average EPC: Average earning per click sent by affiliates based on previous sales data.

Cookie lifetime : Generally, a cookie duration of 30 to 60 days is standard, but in some cases, it is lower than that and in some cases, it is higher. We have provided data precisely as per the details published by the network.

Locations: Some programs allow traffic from only specific countries/locations only. This is generally possible with physical brick-and-mortar stores that can't/don't ship orders abroad. You can filter the programs according to that, also.

Affilate networks : You need to sign up for the affiliate program through some affiliate networks or self-hosted software. You can view various affiliate programs according to each network. You can also further filter based on available metrics.

Currency: Currency of the store/seller or vendor they're dealing in.

Product type: You can sort affiliate programs based on the product type, such as B2B, Service, Info Products, Physical Products, eCommerce Stores, and more.

Commission Types: You can filter affiliate programs based on CPA (cost per acquisition) or CPS (cost per sale).

Commission Frequency: Whether it is a one-time or recurring affiliate commission. You can select one option and filter results accordingly.

Sort Options: You can select how to sort the data. You can sort them by conversion rates and order size, but more options will be available soon.

Here are some tips when searching for the best affiliate programs.

The KPI metrics provided are not available for all the affiliate programs. Also, provided metrics are averaged based on data we received. You can get better or poor performance depending on the traffic you send to these offers. So don't solely depend on these metrics but also rely on your own testing. You can use these metrics to filter and find the best-performing programs.

2. Amazon Product Finder

Amazon has millions of products. However, our database focuses on most selling products with considerable sales volume.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help documentation, please feel free to contact us with the links below and please don't forget to provide your website URL.

Search, sort and filter Options

Search by Name : Search by product name or keyword. Enter the keyword, and you'll receive all the products available for that keyword. You can select the Amazon category from which you want to select the products.

Filter By Category: Amazon has top-level categories for each country. You can select them and browse or search for products within. For example, for USA, here are some available categories "Electronics, Computers, Home, Arts & Crafts, Automotive, Baby, Beauty and personal care, Fashion & Clothing, Health and Household, Home and Kitchen, Industrial and Scientific, Luggage, Movies & Television, Pet supplies, Software, Sports and Outdoors, Tools & Home Improvement, Toys, and Games, Video Games."

Commission Rates: Filter search results by amazon commission percentages. This is based on official commission rates for each country as mentioned here --> USA, UK, Canada, India and Australia

Product Price: Average price for the product. You can search products ranging from minimum and maximum prices by entering values.

Total Reviews: The number of reviews uniquely identifies the product's popularity. More reviews show its popularity.

Total Sales Volume: Estimated number of sales for each product. The data show the total sales volume since the product launched in the marketplace.

Average Commissions : Average estimated commission calculated based on official rates as mentioned below.

Average EPC: Average EPC (earning per click) you can expect. Based on industry average and commission rates. Note that the EPC rate can increase if a customer adds more products along with this.

Sort Options : You can select how to view data from more to fewer reviews and more to less price etc.

3. Niche Topic Finder

Niche topic finder allows you to search and sort amazon niches and topics by sales activity. For all the top categories on Amazon, We collected data for some 85,000+ topics/categories across five countries. We collected and analyzed several hundred products from each category. This includes average sales volume, average product price, price range (i.e., minimum to maximum price), affiliate commission rates, estimated average EPC, and more.

This data can be used in finalizing your next affiliate campaign or creating affiliate niche websites. Here is how you can search and filter them.

Search, sort and filter Options

Search by Topic: Enter a search term and find all the relevant Amazon categories, along with the average volume of top products, price range, and more.

Country: Currently, our database offers five countries. Three more countries (Germany, Italy, and France) will be added soon.

Commission Rates: Search niches by average commission rates. Note that amazon offers anywhere from 0 to 10% commission rates and up to 20% commission rates for very few categories. If you enter higher values, you may not receive any results.

Sales volume: Average sales volume of the top products, not that we have created this average based on "top selling" product's data only and not all products. But this data is sufficient to judge sales activity and niche popularity on amazon.

Average price: Each niche has an average product price. You can filter niches by minimum and maximum average price. A factor along with CPS% you should consider when deciding niches.

Average commissions: Average exact commission in the local Currency of the store. For example, the value will be displayed in GBP if you're exploring UK data.

Average EPC : Estimated average EPC you can expect from each niche. You can filter niches by minimum and maximum EPC values and finalize your niches accordingly.

4. Content Sites Research

Each website that's receiving decent organic search traffic is a success story with many footprints.

If you're a niche blogger or affiliate marketer, our content site research tool can help you explore successful content sites and blogs. You can then study how these sites are performing so well, what backlink strategies they have, what kind of content strategies they use, and learn to avoid mistakes.

Our content site research tool only focuses on sites that are doing so well through organic search traffic. You can search the database by keyword and filter by various SEO metrics such as unique backlinks, total backlinks, DA, website age, and monetization methods.

Some niche sites often rank so well on search engines with zero or minimal backlinks. The reason is that they select the right keywords. Filter the database accordingly, and you'll find hundreds of sites like that.

You can also find high-traffic sites and find keywords they're receiving the most traffic for!

Go through the guidelines below for various search options available.

Search, sort and filter Options

Search traffic: Estimated monthly visitors the site receives. You can filter data to find high-traffic sites.

Domain DR: Ahref's DR for the domain. Low DR and High traffic sites mean sites that are organically doing well with few backlinks. You can filter based on minimum and maximum DR values.

Website age: When it comes to SEO, age is one of the factors. The older the site, the more likely they are to rank if they've constantly created helpful content.

Unique domain backlinks: Estimated number of unique domain backlinks the site has.

Search by Topic: Find sites by niche keywords. You can find competitors' websites easily by searching keywords.

Ad network or Monetization: How are these sites monetized? What networks they're using? You can learn about them and filter results accordingly. You can filter from more than 20 networks.

Sort options: You can sort results by traffic, backlinks, DR, total indexed pages, and age.

5. eCommerce Sites Research

Our eCommerce Sites Research tool works almost the same way as the Content Sites Research tool. However, the only difference is these sites are eCommerce sites and not content sites. So they're mostly selling products instead of monetized by any advertising network.

Reverse engineering these sites can help you find eCommerce and dropship niches and reveal their ranking strategies, such as keywords they're targetting, the traffic they're receiving, and estimated monthly revenue and so on.

You can filter these stores by the platform they're built on, such as Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Prestashop, and many more.

6. Guest Blog Finder

Guest blogging is the great way kickstart with traffic building and link building efforts for new niche sites and blogs.

Our guest blog finder tool is a bonus tool available with our affilaite research tools. It is for bloggers to get started with their link building efforts. Search various niche blogs and outreach them for guest posts. Most of these blogs are already confirmed to accept guest blog posts and may or may not have official guest post guidelines.

Many of these blogs available with email address you can reach them to.

Search, sort and filter Options

Search Keyword: Enter a search term to find relevant blogs. If your website focuses on a specific niche, you can search for related keywords and find all the relevant blogs.

Unique domain links: Filter using unique domains the blog has. The higher the link, the better quality link you can expect.

DA: Domain authority metrics for the blog. Simply enter the lowest and highest values to find blogs in a particular order.

Search traffic: You can enter the lowest and highest traffic values. Not all blogs are with great traffic metrics.

Sort options: Select options to display blogs by DA, Backlinks or Traffic.


  • We update data for each of the tools several times a year. This also includes new programs data and an update in existing data. The data and metrics keep changing for affiliate programs or other tools, so if you find any discrepancies in data, note that it will be addressed sooner.

  • Data we provide for various tools are averaged based on historical sales records, industry standards, or based various calculations. It would be best if you used them for reference to filter out the programs, products, or niches. It is not necessary that you'll get exactly the same kind of results. You can achieve better or poor results based on your traffic and marketing strategies.