Terms and Conditions

1. AffSync.com Terms

We want to welcome you to AffSync.com (the "Site"), An online business data service offered through Contezy Media Pvt Ltd. ("we," "our," or "us"). These conditions of service (the "Terms") govern your use of the site and the features, services, applications, content, or products we offer (the "Services").

When you access or use the Services by using the Services, you agree to be bound to these Terms. You should not use or access the Services if you do not consent to these terms.

Take the time to read these Terms thoroughly because they contain crucial details about your rights and obligations.

2. Visitor & Cookie Policy

The Services are accessible to users who are a minimum 18 and have the legal capacity to use them. By using the Services, you warrant to be at least 18 years old, and are legally able to legally use a website and its content.

Cookies allow us to personalize advertising and content, as well as to offer social media functions and monitor our site's usage. We also share information regarding the usage of our site with our advertising, social media, and analytics partners, who could use it in conjunction with other data you've shared with them or have gathered through the usage or use of their products. You can change the settings for your cookies at any time.

The Services may contain hyperlinks to third-party sites or services that aren't operated or controlled by us. We have no influence over, nor do we assume any liability for the privacy policies, content or the practices employed by any third-party website or services. Additionally, you accept that you will not be held responsible or liable directly or indirectly for any loss or damage due to or believed to result from or related to the use or reliance on any of the products, content or services that are available on or through such web pages or other services.

3. Account Opening and Registration

To use certain Services In order to use certain Services, you might require registration to create an account. You should submit accurate and complete details when registering your account. You are accountable for keeping your password and account secure and all actions under your account.

You must not utilize the Services to serve any unlawful or unauthorised use. It is not permitted to your use of these Services violate any law in your area of jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws or trademark law).

You warrant and represent that the information you provide is accurate and complete. You are accountable for keeping your account information up-to-date. You are also accountable for keeping your password and account secure and all actions you perform through your account.

4. Our Limitation

The Services are offered "as is" and "as available." We cannot guarantee the exactness or completeness of the Services. We have the right to modify or cease providing our Services at any point without notice. We will not be responsible either to the user or any other third entity for any modifications, suspensions or cessation in the Services.

We rely on the various data providers to build our database and tools. Under no circumstances we guarantee that the data provided in the tool is 100% accurate. It may also vary from time to time and data such as EPC or conversion rate may not work same way as provided in our tools. You as a user are responsible to test the information, verify everything and plan your campaigns accordingly. We do not guarantee accuracy in any provided data due to frequent changes in them.

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5. Fees And Payment

Access to our tools is available for a one-time fee or annual subscriptions. After you pay you are able to sell your product on our website. This is due to the nature of our product (digital digital product). Any charges for services will be disclosed to you prior to being assessed. You are accountable for paying the fees and taxes applicable promptly to use the services.

You must be using your own credit card or any other payment information for buying our services.

We reserve right to change price at any time. If you buy our lifetime access service, pricing won't affect how you access to our services but for yearly subscription, we may or may not change renewal rates. All decisions made by AffSync or the parent company will be final in such cases.

For renewal plans, if you not longer want to use our services, you're required to cancel subscription before the renewal period starts. If by any chance if you forget to cancel refund may or may not be issued at sole discretion of the AffSync or parent company. We make such a decision on case by case basis.

When you buy the service, you should be directly using it. Under no circumstances, you're allowed to resell, share or use it for purposes such as group buy to access the product. In case we find any such activity, the access to the tool may get suspended and no refund will be issued.

Due to digital nature of the product where you'd immidiately access the product after signup, We don't offer any refunds. We only issue refund when the customer is not able to access the product after signing up AND we're unable to resolve the matter. Buyer must immidiately contact AffSync support via email at . Refunds only offered on the case-by-case basis and after careful review of the case.

6. Privacy and Data Protection

We value your privacy as well as that of customers very seriously. We invite you to read our Privacy Policy to learn more about how we gather, use and share your personal information.

When you use the Services, you agree to the collecting, usage and sharing of your personal data as per our privacy policy.

We are entitled to amend these Terms at anytime. We will publish any modifications made to the Terms of Service on our website We suggest that you read these Terms on a regular basis.